Every supplier making taxable supply of goods or services or both shall get himself registered in the State from which supply is made. In general, the limit for taking GST registration is Rs Twenty Lacs and Rs Forty Lacs. For exclusive supplier of goods the registration limit is Rs Forty Lacs and for others the limit is Rs Twenty Lacs.

For Special Category states, including State of Jammu and Kashmir , Arunachal Pradesh , Assam, Himachal Pradesh , Meghalaya , Sikkim , Uttarakhand the turnover limit will be Ten Lacs instead of Twenty Lacs.

If a business has been transferred from one person to another due to succession or otherwise , then transferee shall get GST Registration

In case of Merger Transfer, Acquisition, Amalgamation etc the new entity shall get GST registration.

Read Also : How to Apply for GST Registration Online


Every person making supply of exclusively exempt supplies of goods / services or both shall not be liable to take registration in GST 

An agriculturist, is exempted from GST registration for the produce out of his cultivation.


Following persons shall take GST registration without any condition:

Engaged in Making Inter – State Supply

Casual Taxable Person making Taxable Supply as per the provisions of GST Act.

Person required to pay GST under Reverse Charge Mechanism

Person required to pay GST U/s 9(5)

Non-resident Taxable Persons making taxable supply

Person required to deduct TDS in GST u/s 51

Person making taxable supply on behalf of other taxable person

Input Service Distributor

Persons supplying goods through E commerce operator who is required to collect TCS U/s 52

Electronic commerce operator who is required to collect Tax Collection at Source

Person Supplying Online Information and Database Access Retrieval Services form a place Outside India to a Place In India Other than registered person.


Agent means a person , factor ,broker etc by whatever name called who carries on the business on behalf of other person as per clause 5 of Section 2 of GST Act.

Agriculturist means Individual or Huf , who cultivates the Land on his own , with his Family or by servants on wages payable as defined under Clause 7 of Section 2 of GST Act.

Casual Taxable Person means a person carrying on business occasionally for supply of goods or services in a State where he has no fixed place of business as defined under Clause 20 of Section 2 of GST Act.

Exempt Supply means supply exempted U/s 11 of CGST Act or U/s 6 of IGST Act and includes Non Taxable Supply as defined under Clause 47 of Section 2 of GST Act.

Person includes Individual, Hindu Undivided Family , Company, Firm , Limited Liability Partnership, AOP or BOI, Corporation established under Central or State Act, Co-operative Society , Local Authority , Central Government or State Government , Trusts , Artificial Judicial Persons etc as per Clause 84 of GST Act

Reverse Charge Mechanism means the liability to pay tax by the recipient of goods or services as per the provisions of GST Act in  this regard.

Taxable Person means a person who is registered or liable to be registered as per the provisions of the GST Act.

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