NEW PROVISIONS IN GST Gst has undergone various changes since its inception. Some of the important and crucial new provisions …
GST E Invoices rules notified by CBIC In a big bang change in GST invoicing method Central Board of Indirect… CBIC has issues five notifications making changes in CGST Rules , common portal for generating e invoices , persons…
LIMIT FOR GST REGISTRATION Every supplier making taxable supply of goods or services or both shall get himself registered in…
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customes has issued five notifications for due date extension in the State of…
Steps to Apply for GST Registration online in GST Portal. GST Registration can be applied online in GST Portal by…
The apex Bank , Reserve Bank of India has issued a circular regarding changes in timings of National Electronic Funds…
The most controversial topic in GST in India Is about the GST Credit and Debit notes. Who shall issue credit…
The President of India has given his consent to the Finance Bill 2019 on 01.08.2019 and the same has been…
GST EXEMPTION LIMIT FROM 01.04.2019 INCREASED TO RS 40.00 LACSCBIC in its Notification no 10/2019 issued on 07.03.2019 , said…